Version alpha groups auto assign #640

lehmann wants to merge 4 commits from (deleted):master into master
6 changed files with 376 additions and 5 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 7d92a4ebe6 - Show all commits

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# ScoDoc
# Copyright (c) 1999 - 2023 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved.
"""Génération bulletin BUT synthétique en une page
On génère du HTML. Il sera si possible traduit en PDF par weasyprint.
Le HTML est lui même généré à partir d'un template Jinja.
## Données
Ces données sont des objets passés au template.
- `etud: Identite` : l'étudiant
- `formsemestre: FormSemestre` : le formsemestre d'où est émis ce bulletin
- `bulletins_sem: BulletinBUT` les données bulletins pour tous les étudiants
- `bul: dict` : le bulletin (dict, même structure que le json publié)
- `cursus: EtudCursusBUT`: infos sur le cursus BUT (niveaux validés etc)
- `decision_ues: dict`: `{ acronyme_ue : { 'code' : 'ADM' }}` accès aux décisions
de jury d'UE
- `ects_total` : nombre d'ECTS validées dans ce cursus
- `ue_validation_by_niveau : dict` : les validations d'UE de chaque niveau du cursus
import datetime
import time
from flask import render_template, url_for
from flask import g, request
from app.but.bulletin_but import BulletinBUT
from app.but import cursus_but, validations_view
from app.decorators import (
from app.models import FormSemestre, FormSemestreInscription, Identite
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoNoReferentielCompetences
from app.scodoc.sco_logos import find_logo
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
from app.views import notes_bp as bp
from app.views import ScoData
def bulletin_but(formsemestre_id: int, etudid: int = None):
"""Page HTML affichant le bulletin BUT simplifié"""
etud: Identite = Identite.query.get_or_404(etudid)
formsemestre: FormSemestre = (
bulletins_sem = BulletinBUT(formsemestre)
bul = bulletins_sem.bulletin_etud(etud, formsemestre) # dict
decision_ues = {x["acronyme"]: x for x in bul["semestre"]["decision_ue"]}
cursus = cursus_but.EtudCursusBUT(etud, formsemestre.formation)
refcomp = formsemestre.formation.referentiel_competence
if refcomp is None:
raise ScoNoReferentielCompetences(formation=formsemestre.formation)
ue_validation_by_niveau = validations_view.get_ue_validation_by_niveau(
refcomp, etud
ects_total = sum((v.ects() for v in ue_validation_by_niveau.values()))
logo = find_logo(logoname="header", dept_id=g.scodoc_dept_id)
return render_template(
sco=ScoData(formsemestre=formsemestre, etud=etud),

View File

@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ def dict_decision_jury(
etud: Identite, formsemestre: FormSemestre, with_decisions: bool = False
) -> dict:
"""dict avec decision pour bulletins json
- autorisation_inscription
- decision : décision semestre
- decision_ue : list des décisions UE
- situation
@ -511,7 +512,10 @@ def dict_decision_jury(
d["autorisation_inscription"] = []
for aut in decision["autorisations"]:
date=aut["date"].isoformat() if aut["date"] else None,
d["decision"] = dict(code="", etat="DEM")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
div.but_bul_court {
width: 17cm;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 6cm 11cm;
font-size: 11pt;
#infos_etudiant {
grid-column: 1;
grid-row: 1;
border-radius: 3mm;
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: white;
padding: 5mm;
.nom {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 14pt;
#logo {
grid-column: 2;
grid-row: 1;
justify-self: end;
#logo img {
text-align: right;
height: 3cm;
div.but_bul_court table {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 2px solid black;
div.but_bul_court table th,
div.but_bul_court table td {
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid black; /* Thin black border between cells */
padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px; /* Padding inside the cells */
table td.col_ue {
width: 18mm;
#ues {
grid-row: 2;
grid-column: 1/3;
justify-self: end;
margin-top: 5mm;
margin-bottom: 5mm;
#ues tr.titre_table th {
background-color: rgb(183,235,255);
padding: 2mm;
tr.titres_ues td, tr.jury td {
font-weight: bold;
table.resultats_modules {
width: 100%;
#ressources {
grid-row: 3;
grid-column: 1/3;
margin-bottom: 5mm;
width: 100%;
#ressources tr.titres_ues td:first-child {
background-color: rgb(255, 192, 0);
#saes {
grid-row: 4;
grid-column: 1/3;
margin-bottom: 5mm;
width: 100%;
#saes tr.titres_ues td:first-child {
background-color: rgb(176, 255, 99);
#row_situation {
grid-row: 5;
grid-column: 1/3;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto auto;
#cursus_etud, #situation {
grid-row: 1;
#situation {
background-color: white;
justify-self: end;
margin-left: 1cm;
border-radius: 3mm;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 5mm;
#footer {
grid-row: 6;
grid-column: 1/3;
margin-top: 5mm;
font-size: 9pt;
font-style: italic;
.but_bul_court .cursus_but {
margin-left: 0px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
{% extends "sco_page.j2" %}
{% block styles %}
<link href="{{scu.STATIC_DIR}}/css/jury_but.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="{{scu.STATIC_DIR}}/css/cursus_but.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="{{scu.STATIC_DIR}}/css/bulletin_court.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
{% endblock %}
{% macro table_modules(mod_type, title) -%}
<table class="resultats_modules">
<tr class="titre_table">
<th colspan="2"></th>
<th colspan="{{ bul.ues|length }}">Unités d'enseignement</th>
<tr class="titres_ues">
<td colspan="2">{{title}}</td>
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
<td class="col_ue">{{ue}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for mod in bul[mod_type] %}
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
if mod in bul.ues[ue][mod_type] else ""
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endmacro %}
{% block app_content %}
<div class="but_bul_court">
<div id="infos_etudiant">
<div class="nom">{{etud.nomprenom}}</div>
<div class="formation">BUT {{formsemestre.formation.referentiel_competence.specialite}}</div>
{% if formsemestre.etuds_inscriptions[].parcour %}
<div class="parcours">Parcours {{formsemestre.etuds_inscriptions[].parcour.code}}</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="annee_scolaire">Année {{formsemestre.annee_scolaire_str()}}</div>
<div class="semestre">Semestre {{formsemestre.semestre_id}}</div>
<div id="logo">
{% if logo %}
{% endif %}
<div id="ues">
<tr class="titre_table">
<th colspan="{{ 1 + bul.ues|length }}">Unités d'enseignement du semestre {{formsemestre.semestre_id}}</th>
<tr class="titres_ues">
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
<td class="col_ue">{{ue}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
<td class="col_ue">{{bul.ues[ue].moyenne.value}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
<td class="col_ue">{{bul.ues[ue].bonus if bul.ues[ue].bonus != "00.00" else ""}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
<td class="col_ue">{{bul.ues[ue].malus if bul.ues[ue].malus != "00.00" else ""}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
<td class="col_ue">{{bul.ues[ue].moyenne.rang}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
<td class="col_ue">{{bul.ues[ue]}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
<td class="col_ue">{{bul.ues[ue].moyenne.ects}}</td>
{% endfor %}
<tr class="jury">
{% for ue in bul.ues %}
<td class="col_ue">{{decision_ues[ue].code}}</td>
{% endfor %}
<div id="ressources">
{{ table_modules("ressources", "Ressources") }}
<div id="saes">
{{ table_modules("saes", "Situations d'Apprentissage et d'Évaluation (SAÉ)") }}
<div id="row_situation">
<div id="cursus_etud">
{% include "but/cursus_etud.j2" %}
<div id="situation">
<div>ECTS acquis : {{ects_total}}</div>
<div class="descr_jury">
{% if bul.semestre.decision_annee %}
Jury tenu le {{
datetime.datetime.fromisoformat("%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M")
année BUT {{bul.semestre.decision_annee.code}}.
{% endif %}
{% set virg = joiner(", ") %}
{% for aut in bul.semestre.autorisation_inscription -%}
{% if loop.first %}
Autorisé à s'inscrire en
{% endif %}
{{- virg() }}S{{aut.semestre_id -}}
{%- if loop.last -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
<div id="footer">
Bulletin généré par ScoDoc le {{time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y à %Hh%M")}}. Explication des codes sur
<a href=""></a>
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from operator import itemgetter
import time
import flask
from flask import abort, flash, redirect, render_template, url_for
from flask import flash, redirect, render_template, url_for
from flask import g, request
from flask_login import current_user
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ from app import models
from app.auth.models import User
from app.but import (
@ -58,7 +59,6 @@ from app.comp import jury, res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import (

View File

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ Version: x.y.z
Architecture: amd64
Maintainer: Emmanuel Viennet <>
Description: ScoDoc 9
Un logiciel pour le suivi de la scolarité universitaire.
Depends: adduser, curl, gcc, graphviz, graphviz-dev, libpq-dev, postfix|exim4, cracklib-runtime, libcrack2-dev, python3-dev, python3-venv, python3-pip, python3-wheel, nginx, postgresql, libpq-dev, redis, ufw
Un logiciel pour le suivi de la scolarité universitaire.
Depends: adduser, curl, gcc, graphviz, graphviz-dev, libpq-dev, postfix|exim4, cracklib-runtime, libcrack2-dev, libpango-1.0-0, pango1.0-tools, python3-dev, python3-venv, python3-pip, python3-wheel, nginx, postgresql, libpq-dev, redis, ufw