import unittest import time import subprocess import urllib.parse as urlparse import HtmlTestRunner import createDepartement import creationSiteDepartement import deleteDepartement from setting import ( SCODOC_ADMIN_ID, SCODOC_ADMIN_PASS, SCHEMA, BASE_URL, BASE_SSH_URL, LINK_SCODOC_SERVER, NOM_DPT, SCODOC_ENS_ID, SCODOC_ENS_PASS, SCODOC_CHEF_ID, SCODOC_CHEF_PASS, NAVIGATEUR, ) from urllib.parse import parse_qs from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException from import expected_conditions as EC from import Select, WebDriverWait from import Select urlMatiere = "" listeEtudiant = [] global MOY_UE1 global MOY_UE2 global URL_SEMESTRE global COEFFUE1 global COEFFUE2 class PythonOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase): # Permet de se connecter et se remettre sur la page d'accueil avant chaque test def setUp(self): if NAVIGATEUR == "firefox": self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() elif NAVIGATEUR == "chrome": self.driver = webdriver.Chrome() self.url = SCHEMA + "://" + BASE_URL + NOM_DPT + "/Scolarite" self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10) self.driver.get( SCHEMA + "://" + SCODOC_ADMIN_ID + ":" + SCODOC_ADMIN_PASS + "@" + BASE_SSH_URL + "force_admin_authentication" ) # Test: Ajout de note pour deux élèves dans une seule UE et vérifie si la moyenne de cet UE sur la fiche étudiante correspondant à la valeur rentrée # @expected : La note rentrée et la moyenne sont identiques def test_010_ajout_note_multiple_pour_une_ue(self): global listeEtudiant global MOY_UE1 global URL_SEMESTRE driver = self.driver url = self.url driver.get(url) linkAddNote = "formnotes_note_" driver.find_element_by_link_text("semestre 1").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(url)) URL_SEMESTRE = driver.current_url ue_name = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("status_ue_acro")[0].text driver.find_element_by_link_text("M1101").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL_SEMESTRE)) driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(@href,'saisie_notes?')]").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL_SEMESTRE)) URL = driver.current_url for champs in driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//input[contains(@id,'" + linkAddNote + "')]" ): champs.clear() champs.send_keys(12) idChamp = champs.get_attribute("id") idEtud = idChamp[len(linkAddNote) : len(idChamp)] if idEtud not in listeEtudiant: listeEtudiant.append(idEtud) driver.find_element_by_id("formnotes_submit").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL)) driver.get(URL_SEMESTRE) noteBonne = True # print(listeEtudiant) for etudiant in listeEtudiant: searchBar = driver.find_element_by_id("in-expnom") searchBar.send_keys(etudiant) searchBar.submit() time.sleep(5) MOY_UE1 = driver.find_element_by_id("ue-" + ue_name.lower().replace(" ","-")).text if "12" not in MOY_UE1: noteBonne = False self.assertTrue(noteBonne) # Test : Ajoute une note à la seconde UE pour les deux élèves # @expected : La moyenne de la seconde UE apparait et corresponds à la note rentrée def test_020_ajout_note_seconde_ue(self): global listeEtudiant global MOY_UE2 global URL_SEMESTRE linkAddNote = "formnotes_note_" driver = self.driver url = self.url driver.get(URL_SEMESTRE) ue_name = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("status_ue_acro")[1].text driver.find_element_by_link_text("M1201").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL_SEMESTRE)) driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(@href,'saisie_notes?')]").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL_SEMESTRE)) URL = driver.current_url for champs in driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//input[contains(@id,'" + linkAddNote + "')]" ): champs.clear() champs.send_keys(8) driver.find_element_by_id("formnotes_submit").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL)) driver.get(URL_SEMESTRE) noteBonne = True for etudiant in listeEtudiant: URL = driver.current_url searchBar = driver.find_element_by_id("in-expnom") searchBar.send_keys(etudiant) searchBar.submit() time.sleep(5) MOY_UE2 = driver.find_element_by_id("ue-" + ue_name.lower().replace(" ","-")).text if "8" not in MOY_UE2: noteBonne = False self.assertTrue(noteBonne) # Test : Vérification calcul de la moyenne générale # @expected La moyenne prends en compte les deux ue et leur coefficiant def test_030_verification_moyenne_generale(self): global COEFF_UE1 global COEFF_UE2 COEFF_UE1 = 2 COEFF_UE2 = 2 driver = self.driver url = self.url driver.get(url) moyenneBonne = True for etudiant in listeEtudiant: searchBar = driver.find_element_by_id("in-expnom") searchBar.send_keys(etudiant) searchBar.submit() time.sleep(5) if ( (float(MOY_UE1) * COEFF_UE1 + float(MOY_UE2) * COEFF_UE2) / (COEFF_UE1 + COEFF_UE2) ) != float(driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text): moyenneBonne = False self.assertTrue(moyenneBonne) # Test : Changement du coefficiant d'un module et de ce fait, du coefficiant de l'UE # @expected : La moyenne générale se modifie en fonction de ce changement de coefficiant def test_040_modification_coefficiant_module(self): global COEFF_UE1 COEFF_UE1 = 3 driver = self.driver url = self.url driver.get(url) driver.find_element_by_id("link-programmes").click() driver.find_element_by_id("titre-dut-info").click() driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[contains(text(),'M1101')]").click() driver.find_element_by_id("tf_coefficient").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("tf_coefficient").send_keys(COEFF_UE1) URL = driver.current_url driver.find_element_by_id("tf_submit").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL)) moyenneBonne = True for etudiant in listeEtudiant: URL = driver.current_url searchBar = driver.find_element_by_id("in-expnom") searchBar.send_keys(etudiant) searchBar.submit() time.sleep(5) if ( (float(MOY_UE1) * COEFF_UE1 + float(MOY_UE2) * COEFF_UE2) / (COEFF_UE1 + COEFF_UE2) ) != float(driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text): moyenneBonne = False self.assertTrue(moyenneBonne) # Test : Ajout d'une note bonus pour un étudiant et d'une note malus pour un autre # @expected : La moyenne de l'UE où est ajouté la note bonus/malus est impactée par cette dernière, la moyenne générale change avec ce changement de moyenne d'UE def test_050_ajout_note_bonus(self): moyenneBonusEtudiant1 = "0.25" moyenneBonusEtudiant2 = "0.25" linkAddNote = "formnotes_note_" driver = self.driver driver.get(URL_SEMESTRE) driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text("malus").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Créer nouvelle évaluation").click() time.sleep(1) driver.find_element_by_name("jour").clear() driver.find_element_by_name("jour").send_keys("31/01/2021") driver.find_element_by_id("tf_description").send_keys("une interrogation bonus") driver.find_element_by_id("tf_submit").click() time.sleep(1) driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(@href,'saisie_notes?')]").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL_SEMESTRE)) champsNote = driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//input[contains(@id,'" + linkAddNote + "')]" ) champsNote[0].clear() champsNote[1].clear() champsNote[0].send_keys("-" + moyenneBonusEtudiant1) champsNote[1].send_keys(moyenneBonusEtudiant2) driver.find_element_by_id("formnotes_submit").click() numeroEtu = 0 moyenneBonne = True for etudiant in listeEtudiant: URL = driver.current_url searchBar = driver.find_element_by_id("in-expnom") searchBar.send_keys(etudiant) searchBar.submit() time.sleep(5) if numeroEtu == 0: if ( ( float(MOY_UE1) * COEFF_UE1 + (float(MOY_UE2) + float(moyenneBonusEtudiant1)) * COEFF_UE2 ) / (COEFF_UE1 + COEFF_UE2) ) != float(driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text): moyenneBonne = False elif numeroEtu == 1: if ( ( float(MOY_UE1) * COEFF_UE1 + (float(MOY_UE2) - float(moyenneBonusEtudiant2)) * COEFF_UE2 ) / (COEFF_UE1 + COEFF_UE2) ) != float(driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text): moyenneBonne = False numeroEtu = numeroEtu + 1 self.assertTrue(moyenneBonne) # Test : Ajout d'une note en attente pour un étudiant, et d'une note entrée pour un autre sur une même évaluation # @expected : def test_060_note_attente(self): moyenneBonusEtudiant1 = "0.25" moyenneBonusEtudiant2 = "0.25" linkAddNote = "formnotes_note_" champsNote = [] driver = self.driver driver.get(URL_SEMESTRE) driver.find_element_by_link_text("M1101").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL_SEMESTRE)) driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(@href,'saisie_notes?')]").click() URL = driver.current_url champsNote = driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//input[contains(@id,'" + linkAddNote + "')]" ) champsNote[0].clear() champsNote[0].send_keys("ATT") driver.find_element_by_id("formnotes_submit").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL)) numeroEtu = 0 moyenneBonne = True affichageMoyenne = True for etudiant in listeEtudiant: URL = driver.current_url searchBar = driver.find_element_by_id("in-expnom") searchBar.send_keys(etudiant) searchBar.submit() time.sleep(5) ueListElement = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("ue_acro") ueListText = [] for ueElement in ueListElement: ueListText.append(ueElement.text) if numeroEtu == 0: moyEtudiant1 = float(MOY_UE2) + float(moyenneBonusEtudiant1) if moyEtudiant1 != float( driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text ): moyenneBonne = False if "UE11" in ueListText: affichageMoyenne = False elif numeroEtu == 1: moyEtudiant2 = ( float(MOY_UE1) * COEFF_UE1 + (float(MOY_UE2) - float(moyenneBonusEtudiant2)) * COEFF_UE2 ) / (COEFF_UE1 + COEFF_UE2) if moyEtudiant2 != float( driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text ): moyenneBonne = False if "UE11" not in ueListText: affichageMoyenne = False numeroEtu = numeroEtu + 1 self.assertTrue(moyenneBonne and affichageMoyenne) def test_070_note_absent(self): ue_name = "UE11" moyenneBonusEtudiant1 = "0.25" moyenneBonusEtudiant2 = "0.25" linkAddNote = "formnotes_note_" MOY_UE1_EXC = 0 champsNote = [] driver = self.driver driver.get(URL_SEMESTRE) driver.find_element_by_link_text("M1101").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL_SEMESTRE)) driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(@href,'saisie_notes?')]").click() URL = driver.current_url champsNote = driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//input[contains(@id,'" + linkAddNote + "')]" ) champsNote[0].clear() champsNote[0].send_keys("ABS") driver.find_element_by_id("formnotes_submit").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL)) numeroEtu = 0 moyenneBonne = True affichageMoyenne = True noteExcuseeEgaleAZero = True ueList = [] for etudiant in listeEtudiant: URL = driver.current_url searchBar = driver.find_element_by_id("in-expnom") searchBar.send_keys(etudiant) searchBar.submit() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL)) ueListElement = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("ue_acro") ueListText = [] for ueElement in ueListElement: ueListText.append(ueElement.text) if numeroEtu == 0: moyEtudiant1 = ( float(MOY_UE1_EXC) * COEFF_UE1 + ((float(MOY_UE2) + float(moyenneBonusEtudiant1)) * COEFF_UE2) ) / (COEFF_UE1 + COEFF_UE2) # print(format(moyEtudiant1, "2.2f")) # print( # format( # float(driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text), "2.2f" # ) # ) if format(moyEtudiant1, "2.2f") != format( float(driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text), "2.2f" ): moyenneBonne = False if ue_name not in ueListText: affichageMoyenne = False MOY_UE1 = driver.find_element_by_id("ue-" + ue_name.lower().replace(" ","-")).text if float(0) != float(MOY_UE1): noteExcuseeEgaleAZero = False elif numeroEtu == 1: MOY_UE1 = driver.find_element_by_id("ue-" + ue_name.lower().replace(" ","-")).text moyEtudiant2 = ( float(MOY_UE1) * COEFF_UE1 + (float(MOY_UE2) - float(moyenneBonusEtudiant2)) * COEFF_UE2 ) / (COEFF_UE1 + COEFF_UE2) if moyEtudiant2 != float( driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text ): moyenneBonne = False if "UE11" not in ueListText: affichageMoyenne = False numeroEtu = numeroEtu + 1 self.assertTrue(moyenneBonne and affichageMoyenne and noteExcuseeEgaleAZero) def test_080_note_excuse(self): moyenneBonusEtudiant1 = "0.25" moyenneBonusEtudiant2 = "0.25" linkAddNote = "formnotes_note_" champsNote = [] driver = self.driver driver.get(URL_SEMESTRE) driver.find_element_by_link_text("M1101").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL_SEMESTRE)) driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(@href,'saisie_notes?')]").click() URL = driver.current_url champsNote = driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//input[contains(@id,'" + linkAddNote + "')]" ) champsNote[0].clear() champsNote[0].send_keys("EXC") driver.find_element_by_id("formnotes_submit").click() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL)) numeroEtu = 0 moyenneBonne = True affichageMoyenne = True ueList = [] for etudiant in listeEtudiant: URL = driver.current_url searchBar = driver.find_element_by_id("in-expnom") searchBar.send_keys(etudiant) searchBar.submit() self.wait.until(EC.url_changes(URL)) ueListElement = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("ue_acro") ueListText = [] for ueElement in ueListElement: ueListText.append(ueElement.text) if numeroEtu == 0: moyEtudiant1 = float(MOY_UE2) + float(moyenneBonusEtudiant1) if moyEtudiant1 != float( driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text ): moyenneBonne = False if "UE11" in ueListText: affichageMoyenne = False elif numeroEtu == 1: moyEtudiant2 = ( float(MOY_UE1) * COEFF_UE1 + (float(MOY_UE2) - float(moyenneBonusEtudiant2)) * COEFF_UE2 ) / (COEFF_UE1 + COEFF_UE2) if moyEtudiant2 != float( driver.find_element_by_class_name("rcp_moy").text ): moyenneBonne = False if "UE11" not in ueListText: affichageMoyenne = False numeroEtu = numeroEtu + 1 self.assertTrue(moyenneBonne and affichageMoyenne) # TOdo def test_090_note_bonus(self): global listeEtudiant global COEFF_UE1 global COEFF_UE2 global URL_SEMESTRE def tearDown(self): self.driver.close() if __name__ == "__main__": deleteDepartement.main() createDepartement.main() creationSiteDepartement.main() cmdProcess = [ "./", LINK_SCODOC_SERVER, NOM_DPT, "", ] process = subprocess.Popen(cmdProcess) process.wait() unittest.main( testRunner=HtmlTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner( report_name="06_Moyenne_tests", output="./ResultatTest", combine_reports=True, ) )