# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Definitions of Zope permissions used by ScoDoc""" # prefix all permissions by "Sco" to group them in Zope management tab # Attention: si on change ces valeurs, il faut verifier les codes # DTML qui utilisent directement les chaines de caractères... ScoChangeFormation = "Sco Change Formation" ScoEditAllNotes = "Sco Modifier toutes notes" ScoEditAllEvals = "Sco Modifier toutes les evaluations" ScoImplement = "Sco Implement Formation" ScoAbsChange = "Sco Change Absences" ScoAbsAddBillet = ( "Sco Add Abs Billet" # ajouter un billet d'absence via AddBilletAbsence ) ScoEtudChangeAdr = "Sco Change Etud Address" # changer adresse/photo ou pour envoyer bulletins par mail ou pour debouche ScoEtudChangeGroups = "Sco Change Etud Groups" ScoEtudInscrit = "Sco Inscrire Etud" # aussi pour demissions, diplomes ScoEtudAddAnnotations = "Sco Etud Add Annotations" # aussi pour archives ScoEtudSupprAnnotations = "Sco Etud Suppr Annotations" # XXX inutile: utiliser Add ! ScoEntrepriseView = "Sco View Entreprises" ScoEntrepriseChange = "Sco Change Entreprises" ScoEditPVJury = "Sco Edit PV Jury" ScoEditApo = ScoEtudChangeAdr # ajouter maquettes Apogee (=> chef dept et secr) ScoEditFormationTags = ( "Sco Tagguer les formations" # mettre/modifier des tags sur les modules ) ScoView = "Sco View" ScoEnsView = "Sco View Ens" # parties visibles par enseignants slt ScoUsersAdmin = "Sco Users Manage" ScoUsersView = "Sco Users View" ScoChangePreferences = "Sco Change Preferences" ScoSuperAdmin = "Sco Super Admin" # ScoSuperAdmin est utilisé pour: # - ZScoDoc: add/delete departments # - tous rôles lors creation utilisateurs # # Default permissions for default roles # (set once on instance creation): Sco_Default_Permissions = { ScoView: ("Ens", "Secr", "Admin", "RespPe"), ScoEnsView: ("Ens", "Admin", "RespPe"), ScoUsersView: ("Ens", "Secr", "Admin", "RespPe"), ScoEtudAddAnnotations: ("Ens", "Secr", "Admin", "RespPe"), ScoEtudSupprAnnotations: ("Admin",), ScoAbsChange: ("Ens", "Secr", "Admin", "RespPe"), ScoAbsAddBillet: ("Ens", "Secr", "Admin", "RespPe"), ScoEntrepriseView: ("Ens", "Secr", "Admin", "RespPe"), ScoEntrepriseChange: ("Secr", "Admin"), ScoEtudChangeAdr: ("Secr", "Admin"), # utilisé aussi pour pv jury secretariats ScoChangeFormation: ("Admin",), ScoEditFormationTags: ("Admin", "RespPe"), ScoEditAllNotes: ("Admin",), ScoEditAllEvals: ("Admin",), ScoImplement: ("Admin",), ScoEtudChangeGroups: ("Admin",), ScoEtudInscrit: ("Admin",), ScoUsersAdmin: ("Admin",), ScoChangePreferences: ("Admin",), ScoSuperAdmin: (), # lister tt les permissions }