#!/opt/zope213/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ScoDoc post-upgrade script. This script is launched by upgrade.sh after each SVN update. Run as "root" with Zope shutted down and postgresql up, _before_ upgrading the database. E. Viennet, June 2008 Mar 2017: suppress upgrade of very old Apache configs Aug 2020: move photos to .../var/scodoc/ Apr 2021: bug #70 Jun 2021: update for ScoDoc8 """ import os import sys import glob import shutil from scodocutils import log, SCODOC_DIR, SCODOC_VAR_DIR, SCODOC_LOGOS_DIR, SCO_TMPDIR if os.getuid() != 0: log("postupgrade.py: must be run as root") sys.exit(1) # Continue here... # --- sys.exit(0)