# -*- coding: UTF-8 -* """Application Flask: ScoDoc """ from __future__ import print_function import os from pprint import pprint as pp import sys import click import flask from flask.cli import with_appcontext from app import create_app, cli, db from app.auth.models import User, Role, UserRole from app.views import notes, scolar, absences from config import Config app = create_app() cli.register(app) @app.shell_context_processor def make_shell_context(): return { "db": db, "User": User, "Role": Role, "UserRole": UserRole, "notes": notes, "scolar": scolar, "pp": pp, "flask": flask, "current_app": flask.current_app, } @app.cli.command() def user_db_init(): """Initialize the users database.""" click.echo("Init the db") # Create roles: Role.insert_roles() click.echo("created initial roles") # Ensure that admin exists if Config.SCODOC_ADMIN_MAIL: admin_user_name = Config.SCODOC_ADMIN_LOGIN user = User.query.filter_by(user_name=admin_user_name).first() if not user: user = User(user_name=admin_user_name, email=Config.SCODOC_ADMIN_MAIL) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() click.echo( "created initial admin user, login: {u.user_name}, email: {u.email}".format( u=user ) ) @app.cli.command() def user_db_clear(): """Erase (drop) all tables of users database !""" click.echo("Erasing the users database !") _clear_users_db() def _clear_users_db(): """Erase (drop) all tables of users database !""" click.confirm("This will erase all users.\nDo you want to continue?", abort=True) db.reflect() db.drop_all() db.session.commit() @app.cli.command() @click.argument("username") @click.argument("role") @click.argument("dept") def user_create(username, role, dept): "Create a new user" r = Role.get_named_role(role) if not r: sys.stderr.write("user_create: role {r} does not exists".format(r=r)) return 1 u = User.query.filter_by(user_name=username).first() if u: sys.stderr.write("user_create: user {u} already exists".format(u=u)) return 2 u = User(user_name=username, dept=dept) u.add_role(r, dept) db.session.add(u) db.session.commit() click.echo( "created user, login: {u.user_name}, with role {r} in dept. {dept}".format( u=u, r=r, dept=dept ) ) @app.cli.command() @click.argument("username") @click.password_option() def user_password(username, password=None): "Set (or change) user's password" if not password: sys.stderr.write("user_password: missing password") return 1 u = User.query.filter_by(user_name=username).first() if not u: sys.stderr.write("user_password: user {} does not exists".format(username)) return 1 u.set_password(password) db.session.add(u) db.session.commit() click.echo("changed password for user {}".format(u)) @app.cli.command() @click.argument("dept") def sco_delete_dept(dept): "Delete existing departement" if os.getuid() != 0: sys.stderr.write("sco_delete_dept: must be run by root\n") return 1 if os.system('cd config; ./delete_dept.sh -n "{}"'.format(dept)): sys.stderr.write("error deleting dept " + dept) return 1 return 0 @app.cli.command() @click.argument("dept") def sco_create_dept(dept): "Create new departement" if os.getuid() != 0: sys.stderr.write("sco_create_dept: must be run by root\n") return 1 if os.system('cd config; ./create_dept.sh -n "{}"'.format(dept)): sys.stderr.write("error deleting dept " + dept) return 1 return 0 @app.cli.command() @click.argument("filename") @with_appcontext def test_interactive(filename=None): "Run interactive test" import flask_login from app import decorators click.echo("Executing {}".format(filename)) with app.test_request_context(""): u = User.query.first() flask_login.login_user(u) REQUEST = decorators.ZRequest() exec(open(filename).read()) click.echo("Done.")