# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2021 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """ Gestion des relations avec les entreprises Note: Code très ancien, porté de Zope/DTML, peu utilisable => Voir si des départements utilisent encore ce module et envisager de le supprimer. """ import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error import string import re import time import calendar from flask import request from flask_login import current_user # MIGRATION EN COURS => MODULE DESACTIVE ! # A REVOIR # from sco_permissions import ScoEntrepriseView, ScoEntrepriseChange # from app import log # from scolog import logdb # from sco_utils import SCO_ENCODING # import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu # import html_sidebar # from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable # from app.scodoc.TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator, TF # import sco_etud # import sco_entreprises def entreprise_header(page_title=""): "common header for all Entreprises pages" return html_sco_header.sco_header(page_title=page_title) def entreprise_footer(): "common entreprise footer" return html_sco_header.sco_footer() security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "sidebar") def sidebar(): "barre gauche (overide std sco sidebar)" # rewritten from legacy DTML code # XXX rare cas restant d'utilisation de l'acquisition Zope2: à revoir params = {"ScoURL": scu.ScoURL()} H = [ """ """) return "".join(H) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Entreprises : Vues # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "index_html") def index_html(etud_nom=None, limit=50, offset="", format="html"): """Accueil module entreprises""" # Traduit du DTML - utilise table standard if limit: limit = int(limit) if offset: offset = int(offset or 0) vals = request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args if etud_nom: entreprises = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list_by_etud( args=vals, sort_on_contact=True ) table_navigation = "" else: entreprises = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list( args=vals, test="~*", sort_on_contact=True, limit=limit, offset=offset, ) # Liens navigation précédent/suivant webparams = {"limit": limit} if offset: webparams["offset"] = max((offset or 0) - limit, 0) prev_lnk = 'précédentes' % ( request.base_url + "?" + six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode(webparams) ) else: prev_lnk = "" if len(entreprises) >= limit: webparams["offset"] = (offset or 0) + limit next_lnk = 'suivantes' % ( request.base_url + "?" + six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode(webparams) ) else: next_lnk = "" table_navigation = ( '
' + prev_lnk + '' + next_lnk + "
" ) # Ajout des liens sur la table: for e in entreprises: e["_nom_target"] = "entreprise_edit?entreprise_id=%(entreprise_id)s" % e e["correspondants"] = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_list( args={"entreprise_id": e["entreprise_id"]} ) e["nbcorr"] = "%d corr." % len(e["correspondants"]) e["_nbcorr_target"] = ( "entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id=%(entreprise_id)s" % e ) e["contacts"] = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_list( args={"entreprise_id": e["entreprise_id"]} ) e["nbcontact"] = "%d contacts." % len(e["contacts"]) e["_nbcontact_target"] = ( "entreprise_contact_list?entreprise_id=%(entreprise_id)s" % e ) tab = GenTable( rows=entreprises, columns_ids=("nom", "ville", "secteur", "nbcorr", "nbcontact"), titles={ "nom": "Entreprise", "ville": "Ville", "secteur": "Secteur", "nbcorr": "Corresp.", "contacts": "Contacts", }, origin="Généré par %s le " % sco_version.SCONAME + scu.timedate_human_repr(), filename=scu.make_filename( "entreprises_%s" % context.get_preference("DeptName") ), caption="Entreprises du département %s" % context.get_preference("DeptName"), html_sortable=True, html_class="entreprise_list table_leftalign", html_with_td_classes=True, html_next_section=table_navigation, base_url=request.base_url + "?", preferences=context.get_preferences(), ) if format != "html": return tab.make_page(format=format) else: H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises"), """

Suivi relations entreprises

""", """
""", tab.html(), """
""", entreprise_footer(), ] return "\n".join(H) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_contact_list") def entreprise_contact_list(entreprise_id=None, format="html"): """Liste des contacts de l'entreprise""" H = [entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises")] if entreprise_id: E = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0] C = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_list( args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id} ) H.append( """

Listes des contacts avec l'entreprise %(nom)s

""" % E ) else: C = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_list(args={}) H.append( """

Listes des contacts

""" ) for c in C: c["_date_target"] = "%s/entreprise_contact_edit?entreprise_contact_id=%s" % ( scu.EntreprisesURL(), c["entreprise_contact_id"], ) c["entreprise"] = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list( args={"entreprise_id": c["entreprise_id"]} )[0] if c["etudid"]: c["etud"] = context.getEtudInfo(etudid=c["etudid"], filled=1)[0] c["etudnom"] = c["etud"]["nomprenom"] c["_etudnom_target"] = "%s/ficheEtud?etudid=%s" % ( scu.ScoURL(), c["etudid"], ) else: c["etud"] = None c["etudnom"] = "" tab = GenTable( rows=C, columns_ids=("date", "type_contact", "etudnom", "description"), titles={ "date": "Date", "type_contact": "Object", "etudnom": "Étudiant", "description": "Description", }, origin="Généré par %s le " % sco_version.SCONAME + scu.timedate_human_repr(), filename=scu.make_filename("contacts_%s" % context.get_preference("DeptName")), caption="", html_sortable=True, html_class="contact_list table_leftalign", html_with_td_classes=True, base_url=request.base_url + "?", preferences=context.get_preferences(), ) if format != "html": return tab.make_page(format=format) H.append(tab.html()) if current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange): if entreprise_id: H.append( """

nouveau "contact"

""" % E ) H.append(entreprise_footer()) return "\n".join(H) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_correspondant_list") def entreprise_correspondant_list( entreprise_id=None, format="html", ): """Liste des correspondants de l'entreprise""" E = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0] H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises"), """

Listes des correspondants dans l'entreprise %(nom)s

""" % E, ] correspondants = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_list( args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id} ) for c in correspondants: c["nomprenom"] = c["nom"].upper() + " " + c["nom"].capitalize() c[ "_nomprenom_target" ] = "%s/entreprise_correspondant_edit?entreprise_corresp_id=%s" % ( scu.EntreprisesURL(), c["entreprise_corresp_id"], ) c["nom_entreprise"] = E["nom"] l = [] if c["phone1"]: l.append(c["phone1"]) if c["phone2"]: l.append(c["phone2"]) if c["mobile"]: l.append(c["mobile"]) c["telephones"] = " / ".join(l) c["mails"] = " ".join( [ '%s' % (c["mail1"], c["mail1"]) if c["mail1"] else "", '%s' % (c["mail2"], c["mail2"]) if c["mail2"] else "", ] ) c["modifier"] = ( 'modifier' % c["entreprise_corresp_id"] ) c["supprimer"] = ( 'supprimer' % c["entreprise_corresp_id"] ) tab = GenTable( rows=correspondants, columns_ids=( "nomprenom", "nom_entreprise", "fonction", "telephones", "mails", "note", "modifier", "supprimer", ), titles={ "nomprenom": "Nom", "nom_entreprise": "Entreprise", "fonction": "Fonction", "telephones": "Téléphone", "mails": "Mail", "note": "Note", "modifier": "", "supprimer": "", }, origin="Généré par %s le " % sco_version.SCONAME + scu.timedate_human_repr(), filename=scu.make_filename( "correspondants_%s_%s" % (E["nom"], context.get_preference("DeptName")) ), caption="", html_sortable=True, html_class="contact_list table_leftalign", html_with_td_classes=True, base_url=request.base_url + "?", preferences=context.get_preferences(), ) if format != "html": return tab.make_page(format=format) H.append(tab.html()) if current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange): H.append( """

Ajouter un correspondant dans l'entreprise %(nom)s

""" % E ) H.append(entreprise_footer()) return "\n".join(H) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_contact_edit") def entreprise_contact_edit(entreprise_contact_id): """Form edit contact""" c = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_list( args={"entreprise_contact_id": entreprise_contact_id} )[0] link_create_corr = ( 'créer un nouveau correspondant' % (scu.EntreprisesURL(), c["entreprise_id"]) ) E = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": c["entreprise_id"]})[ 0 ] correspondants = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_listnames( args={"entreprise_id": c["entreprise_id"]} ) + [("inconnu", "")] H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises"), """

Suivi entreprises

Contact avec entreprise %(nom)s

""" % E, ] tf = TrivialFormulator( request.base_url, request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args, ( ( "entreprise_contact_id", {"default": entreprise_contact_id, "input_type": "hidden"}, ), ( "entreprise_id", {"input_type": "hidden", "default": c["entreprise_id"]}, ), ( "type_contact", { "input_type": "menu", "title": "Objet", "allowed_values": ( "Prospection", "Stage étudiant", "Contrat Apprentissage", "Projet", "Autre", ), }, ), ( "date", { "size": 12, "title": "Date du contact (j/m/a)", "allow_null": False, }, ), ( "entreprise_corresp_id", { "input_type": "menu", "title": "Correspondant entreprise", "explanation": link_create_corr, "allow_null": True, "labels": [x[0] for x in correspondants], "allowed_values": [x[1] for x in correspondants], }, ), ( "etudiant", { "size": 16, "title": "Etudiant concerné", "allow_null": True, "default": c["etudid"], "explanation": "nom (si pas ambigu) ou code", }, ), ( "enseignant", {"size": 16, "title": "Enseignant (tuteur)", "allow_null": True}, ), ( "description", { "input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Description", }, ), ), cancelbutton="Annuler", initvalues=c, submitlabel="Modifier les valeurs", readonly=not current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange), ) if tf[0] == 0: H.append(tf[1]) if current_user.has_permission( Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange, ): H.append( """

Supprimer ce contact

""" % entreprise_contact_id ) elif tf[0] == -1: return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL(context)) else: etudok = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_check_etudiant(tf[2]["etudiant"]) if etudok[0] == 0: H.append("""


""" % etudok[1]) else: tf[2].update({"etudid": etudok[1]}) sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_edit(tf[2]) return flask.redirect( scu.EntreprisesURL() + "/entreprise_contact_list?entreprise_id=" + str(c["entreprise_id"]) ) H.append(entreprise_footer()) return "\n".join(H) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_correspondant_edit") def entreprise_correspondant_edit(entreprise_corresp_id): """Form édition d'un correspondant""" c = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_list( args={"entreprise_corresp_id": entreprise_corresp_id} )[0] H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises"), """

Édition contact entreprise

""", ] tf = TrivialFormulator( request.base_url, request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args, ( ( "entreprise_corresp_id", {"default": entreprise_corresp_id, "input_type": "hidden"}, ), ( "civilite", { "input_type": "menu", "labels": ["M.", "Mme"], "allowed_values": ["M.", "Mme"], }, ), ("nom", {"size": 25, "title": "Nom", "allow_null": False}), ("prenom", {"size": 25, "title": "Prénom"}), ( "fonction", { "input_type": "menu", "allowed_values": ( "Directeur", "RH", "Resp. Administratif", "Tuteur", "Autre", ), "explanation": "fonction via à vis de l'IUT", }, ), ( "phone1", { "size": 14, "title": "Téléphone 1", }, ), ( "phone2", { "size": 14, "title": "Téléphone 2", }, ), ( "mobile", { "size": 14, "title": "Tél. mobile", }, ), ( "fax", { "size": 14, "title": "Fax", }, ), ( "mail1", { "size": 25, "title": "e-mail", }, ), ( "mail2", { "size": 25, "title": "e-mail 2", }, ), ( "note", {"input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Note"}, ), ), cancelbutton="Annuler", initvalues=c, submitlabel="Modifier les valeurs", readonly=not current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange), ) if tf[0] == 0: H.append(tf[1]) elif tf[0] == -1: return flask.redirect( "%s/entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id=%s" % (scu.EntreprisesURL(), c["entreprise_id"]) ) else: sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_edit(tf[2]) return flask.redirect( "%s/entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id=%s" % (scu.EntreprisesURL(), c["entreprise_id"]) ) H.append(entreprise_footer()) return "\n".join(H) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_contact_create") def entreprise_contact_create(entreprise_id): """Form création contact""" E = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0] correspondants = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_listnames( args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id} ) if not correspondants: correspondants = [("inconnu", "")] curtime = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") link_create_corr = ( 'créer un nouveau correspondant' % (scu.EntreprisesURL(), entreprise_id) ) H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises"), """

Nouveau "contact" avec l'entreprise %(nom)s

""" % E, ] tf = TrivialFormulator( request.base_url, request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args, ( ("entreprise_id", {"input_type": "hidden", "default": entreprise_id}), ( "type_contact", { "input_type": "menu", "title": "Objet", "allowed_values": ( "Prospection", "Stage étudiant", "Contrat Apprentissage DUT GTR1", "Contrat Apprentissage DUT GTR2", "Contrat Apprentissage Licence SQRT", "Projet", "Autre", ), "default": "Stage étudiant", }, ), ( "date", { "size": 12, "title": "Date du contact (j/m/a)", "allow_null": False, "default": curtime, }, ), ( "entreprise_corresp_id", { "input_type": "menu", "title": "Correspondant entreprise", "explanation": link_create_corr, "allow_null": True, "labels": [x[0] for x in correspondants], "allowed_values": [x[1] for x in correspondants], }, ), ( "etudiant", { "size": 16, "title": "Etudiant concerné", "allow_null": True, "explanation": "nom (si pas ambigu) ou code", }, ), ( "enseignant", {"size": 16, "title": "Enseignant (tuteur)", "allow_null": True}, ), ( "description", { "input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Description", }, ), ), cancelbutton="Annuler", submitlabel="Ajouter ce contact", readonly=not current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange), ) if tf[0] == 0: H.append(tf[1]) elif tf[0] == -1: return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL(context)) else: etudok = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_check_etudiant(tf[2]["etudiant"]) if etudok[0] == 0: H.append("""


""" % etudok[1]) else: tf[2].update({"etudid": etudok[1]}) sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_create(tf[2]) return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL()) H.append(entreprise_footer()) return "\n".join(H) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_contact_delete") def entreprise_contact_delete(entreprise_contact_id): """Form delete contact""" c = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_list( args={"entreprise_contact_id": entreprise_contact_id} )[0] H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises"), """

Suppression du contact

""", ] tf = TrivialFormulator( request.base_url, request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args, (("entreprise_contact_id", {"input_type": "hidden"}),), initvalues=c, submitlabel="Confirmer la suppression", cancelbutton="Annuler", readonly=not current_user.has_permission(ScoEntrepriseChange), ) if tf[0] == 0: H.append(tf[1]) elif tf[0] == -1: return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL(context)) else: sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_delete(c["entreprise_contact_id"]) return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL(context)) H.append(entreprise_footer()) return "\n".join(H) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_correspondant_create") def entreprise_correspondant_create(entreprise_id): """Form création correspondant""" E = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0] H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises"), """

Nouveau correspondant l'entreprise %(nom)s

""" % E, ] tf = TrivialFormulator( request.base_url, request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args, ( ("entreprise_id", {"input_type": "hidden", "default": entreprise_id}), ( "civilite", { "input_type": "menu", "labels": ["M.", "Mme"], "allowed_values": ["M.", "Mme"], }, ), ("nom", {"size": 25, "title": "Nom", "allow_null": False}), ("prenom", {"size": 25, "title": "Prénom"}), ( "fonction", { "input_type": "menu", "allowed_values": ( "Directeur", "RH", "Resp. Administratif", "Tuteur", "Autre", ), "default": "Tuteur", "explanation": "fonction via à vis de l'IUT", }, ), ( "phone1", { "size": 14, "title": "Téléphone 1", }, ), ( "phone2", { "size": 14, "title": "Téléphone 2", }, ), ( "mobile", { "size": 14, "title": "Tél. mobile", }, ), ( "fax", { "size": 14, "title": "Fax", }, ), ( "mail1", { "size": 25, "title": "e-mail", }, ), ( "mail2", { "size": 25, "title": "e-mail 2", }, ), ( "note", {"input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Note"}, ), ), cancelbutton="Annuler", submitlabel="Ajouter ce correspondant", readonly=not current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange), ) if tf[0] == 0: H.append(tf[1]) elif tf[0] == -1: return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL(context)) else: sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_create(tf[2]) return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL(context)) H.append(entreprise_footer()) return "\n".join(H) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_correspondant_delete") def entreprise_correspondant_delete(entreprise_corresp_id): """Form delete correspondant""" c = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_list( args={"entreprise_corresp_id": entreprise_corresp_id} )[0] H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises"), """

Suppression du correspondant %(nom)s %(prenom)s

""" % c, ] tf = TrivialFormulator( request.base_url, request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args, (("entreprise_corresp_id", {"input_type": "hidden"}),), initvalues=c, submitlabel="Confirmer la suppression", cancelbutton="Annuler", readonly=not current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange), ) if tf[0] == 0: H.append(tf[1]) elif tf[0] == -1: return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL()) else: sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_delete(c["entreprise_corresp_id"]) return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL()) H.append(entreprise_footer()) return "\n".join(H) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_delete") def entreprise_delete(entreprise_id): """Form delete entreprise""" E = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0] H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Suivi entreprises"), """

Suppression de l'entreprise %(nom)s

Attention: supression définitive de l'entreprise, de ses correspondants et contacts.

""" % E, ] Cl = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_list( args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id} ) if Cl: H.append( """

Correspondants dans l'entreprise qui seront supprimés:

""") Cts = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_list( args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id} ) if Cts: H.append( """

Contacts avec l'entreprise qui seront supprimés:

""") tf = TrivialFormulator( request.base_url, request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args, (("entreprise_id", {"input_type": "hidden"}),), initvalues=E, submitlabel="Confirmer la suppression", cancelbutton="Annuler", readonly=not current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange), ) if tf[0] == 0: H.append(tf[1]) elif tf[0] == -1: return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL()) else: sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_delete(E["entreprise_id"]) return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL()) H.append(entreprise_footer()) return "\n".join(H) # -------- Formulaires: traductions du DTML security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_create") def entreprise_create(): """Form. création entreprise""" H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Création d'une entreprise"), """

Création d'une entreprise

""", ] tf = TrivialFormulator( request.base_url, request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args, ( ("nom", {"size": 25, "title": "Nom de l'entreprise"}), ( "adresse", {"size": 30, "title": "Adresse", "explanation": "(numéro, rue)"}, ), ("codepostal", {"size": 8, "title": "Code Postal"}), ("ville", {"size": 30, "title": "Ville"}), ("pays", {"size": 30, "title": "Pays", "default": "France"}), ( "localisation", { "input_type": "menu", "labels": ["Ile de France", "Province", "Etranger"], "allowed_values": ["IDF", "Province", "Etranger"], }, ), ("secteur", {"size": 30, "title": "Secteur d'activités"}), ( "privee", { "input_type": "menu", "title": "Statut", "labels": [ "Entreprise privee", "Entreprise Publique", "Association", ], "allowed_values": ["privee", "publique", "association"], }, ), ( "plus10salaries", { "title": "Masse salariale", "type": "integer", "input_type": "menu", "labels": [ "10 salariés ou plus", "Moins de 10 salariés", "Inconnue", ], "allowed_values": [1, 0, -1], }, ), ( "qualite_relation", { "title": "Qualité relation IUT/Entreprise", "input_type": "menu", "default": "-1", "labels": [ "Très bonne", "Bonne", "Moyenne", "Mauvaise", "Inconnue", ], "allowed_values": ["100", "75", "50", "25", "-1"], }, ), ("contact_origine", {"size": 30, "title": "Origine du contact"}), ( "note", {"input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Note"}, ), ), cancelbutton="Annuler", submitlabel="Ajouter cette entreprise", readonly=not current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange), ) if tf[0] == 0: return "\n".join(H) + tf[1] + entreprise_footer() elif tf[0] == -1: return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL()) else: sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_create(tf[2]) return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL()) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_edit") def entreprise_edit(entreprise_id, start=1): """Form. edit entreprise""" authuser = current_user readonly = not authuser.has_permission(Permission.ScoEntrepriseChange) F = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0] H = [ entreprise_header(page_title="Entreprise"), """


""" % F, ] tf = TrivialFormulator( request.base_url, request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args, ( ("entreprise_id", {"default": entreprise_id, "input_type": "hidden"}), ("start", {"default": 1, "input_type": "hidden"}), ( "date_creation", {"default": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "input_type": "hidden"}, ), ("nom", {"size": 25, "title": "Nom de l'entreprise"}), ( "adresse", {"size": 30, "title": "Adresse", "explanation": "(numéro, rue)"}, ), ("codepostal", {"size": 8, "title": "Code Postal"}), ("ville", {"size": 30, "title": "Ville"}), ("pays", {"size": 30, "title": "Pays", "default": "France"}), ( "localisation", { "input_type": "menu", "labels": ["Ile de France", "Province", "Etranger"], "allowed_values": ["IDF", "Province", "Etranger"], }, ), ("secteur", {"size": 30, "title": "Secteur d'activités"}), ( "privee", { "input_type": "menu", "title": "Statut", "labels": [ "Entreprise privee", "Entreprise Publique", "Association", ], "allowed_values": ["privee", "publique", "association"], }, ), ( "plus10salaries", { "title": "Masse salariale", "input_type": "menu", "labels": [ "10 salariés ou plus", "Moins de 10 salariés", "Inconnue", ], "allowed_values": ["1", "0", "-1"], }, ), ( "qualite_relation", { "title": "Qualité relation IUT/Entreprise", "input_type": "menu", "labels": [ "Très bonne", "Bonne", "Moyenne", "Mauvaise", "Inconnue", ], "allowed_values": ["100", "75", "50", "25", "-1"], }, ), ("contact_origine", {"size": 30, "title": "Origine du contact"}), ( "note", {"input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Note"}, ), ), cancelbutton="Annuler", initvalues=F, submitlabel="Modifier les valeurs", readonly=readonly, ) if tf[0] == 0: H.append(tf[1]) Cl = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_correspondant_list( args={"entreprise_id": F["entreprise_id"]} ) Cts = sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_contact_list( args={"entreprise_id": F["entreprise_id"]} ) if not readonly: H.append( """

%s Supprimer cette entreprise

""" % ( scu.icontag("delete_img", title="delete", border="0"), F["entreprise_id"], ) ) if len(Cl): H.append( """

%d correspondants dans l'entreprise %s (liste complète) :

") if len(Cts): H.append( """

%d contacts avec l'entreprise %s (liste complète) :

") return "\n".join(H) + entreprise_footer() elif tf[0] == -1: return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL() + "?start=" + start) else: sco_entreprises.do_entreprise_edit(tf[2]) return flask.redirect(scu.EntreprisesURL() + "?start=" + start)