# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2023 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """Import / Export de formations """ from operator import itemgetter import xml.dom.minidom import flask from flask import flash, g, url_for, request from flask_login import current_user import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb from app import db from app import log from app.models import Formation, Module, UniteEns from app.models import ScolarNews from app.models.but_refcomp import ( ApcAppCritique, ApcCompetence, ApcNiveau, ApcParcours, ApcReferentielCompetences, ) from app.scodoc import sco_cache from app.scodoc import sco_codes_parcours from app.scodoc import sco_edit_matiere from app.scodoc import sco_edit_module from app.scodoc import sco_edit_ue from app.scodoc import sco_formations from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre from app.scodoc import sco_preferences from app.scodoc import sco_tag_module from app.scodoc import sco_xml import sco_version from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError, ScoFormatError from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission _formationEditor = ndb.EditableTable( "notes_formations", "formation_id", ( "formation_id", "acronyme", "titre", "titre_officiel", "version", "formation_code", "type_parcours", "code_specialite", "referentiel_competence_id", "commentaire", ), filter_dept=True, sortkey="acronyme", ) def formation_list(formation_id=None, args={}): """List formation(s) with given id, or matching args (when args is given, formation_id is ignored). """ if not args: if formation_id is None: args = {} else: args = {"formation_id": formation_id} cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion() r = _formationEditor.list(cnx, args=args) # log('%d formations found' % len(r)) return r def formation_has_locked_sems(formation_id): # XXX to remove "backward compat: True if there is a locked formsemestre in this formation" formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id) if formation is None: return False return formation.has_locked_sems() def formation_export( formation_id, export_ids=False, export_tags=True, export_external_ues=False, export_codes_apo=True, format=None, ): """Get a formation, with UE, matieres, modules in desired format """ formation: Formation = Formation.query.get_or_404(formation_id) f_dict = formation.to_dict(with_refcomp_attrs=True) if not export_ids: del f_dict["formation_id"] del f_dict["dept_id"] ues = formation.ues if not export_external_ues: ues = ues.filter_by(is_external=False) ues = ues.all() ues.sort(key=lambda u: (u.semestre_idx or 0, u.numero or 0, u.acronyme)) f_dict["ue"] = [] for ue in ues: ue_dict = ue.to_dict() f_dict["ue"].append(ue_dict) ue_dict.pop("module_ue_coefs", None) if formation.is_apc(): # BUT: indique niveau de compétence associé à l'UE if ue.niveau_competence: ue_dict["apc_niveau_libelle"] = ue.niveau_competence.libelle ue_dict["apc_niveau_annee"] = ue.niveau_competence.annee ue_dict["apc_niveau_ordre"] = ue.niveau_competence.ordre # Et le parcour: if ue.parcour: ue_dict["parcour"] = [ue.parcour.to_dict(with_annees=False)] ue_dict["reference"] = ue.id # pour les coefficients if not export_ids: for id_id in ( "id", "ue_id", "formation_id", "parcour_id", "niveau_competence_id", ): ue_dict.pop(id_id, None) if not export_codes_apo: ue_dict.pop("code_apogee", None) if ue_dict["ects"] is None: del ue_dict["ects"] mats = sco_edit_matiere.matiere_list({"ue_id": ue.id}) mats.sort(key=lambda m: m["numero"] or 0) ue_dict["matiere"] = mats for mat in mats: matiere_id = mat["matiere_id"] if not export_ids: del mat["id"] del mat["matiere_id"] del mat["ue_id"] mods = sco_edit_module.module_list({"matiere_id": matiere_id}) mods.sort(key=lambda m: (m["numero"] or 0, m["code"])) mat["module"] = mods for mod in mods: module_id = mod["module_id"] if export_tags: tags = sco_tag_module.module_tag_list(module_id=mod["module_id"]) if tags: mod["tags"] = [{"name": x} for x in tags] # module = Module.query.get(module_id) if module.is_apc(): # Exporte les coefficients mod["coefficients"] = [ {"ue_reference": str(ue_id), "coef": str(coef)} for (ue_id, coef) in module.get_ue_coef_dict().items() ] # Et les parcours mod["parcours"] = [ p.to_dict(with_annees=False) for p in module.parcours ] # Et les AC if format == "xml": # XML préfère une liste mod["app_critiques"] = [ x.to_dict(with_code=True) for x in module.app_critiques ] else: mod["app_critiques"] = { x.code: x.to_dict() for x in module.app_critiques } if not export_ids: del mod["id"] del mod["ue_id"] del mod["matiere_id"] del mod["module_id"] del mod["formation_id"] if not export_codes_apo: del mod["code_apogee"] if mod["ects"] is None: del mod["ects"] filename = f"scodoc_formation_{formation.departement.acronym}_{formation.acronyme or ''}_v{formation.version}" return scu.sendResult( f_dict, name="formation", format=format, force_outer_xml_tag=False, attached=True, filename=filename, ) def _formation_retreive_refcomp(f_dict: dict) -> int: """Recherche si on un référentiel de compétence chargé pour cette formation: utilise comme clé (version_orebut, specialite, type_titre) Retourne: referentiel_competence_id ou None """ refcomp_version_orebut = f_dict.get("refcomp_version_orebut") refcomp_specialite = f_dict.get("refcomp_specialite") refcomp_type_titre = f_dict.get("refcomp_type_titre") if all((refcomp_version_orebut, refcomp_specialite, refcomp_type_titre)): refcomp = ApcReferentielCompetences.query.filter_by( dept_id=g.scodoc_dept_id, type_titre=refcomp_type_titre, specialite=refcomp_specialite, version_orebut=refcomp_version_orebut, ).first() if refcomp: return refcomp.id else: flash( f"Impossible de trouver le référentiel de compétence pour {refcomp_specialite} : est-il chargé ?" ) return None def _formation_retreive_apc_niveau( referentiel_competence_id: int, ue_dict: dict ) -> int: """Recherche dans le ref. de comp. un niveau pour cette UE utilise comme clé (libelle, annee, ordre) """ libelle = ue_dict.get("apc_niveau_libelle") annee = ue_dict.get("apc_niveau_annee") ordre = ue_dict.get("apc_niveau_ordre") if all((libelle, annee, ordre)): niveau = ( ApcNiveau.query.filter_by(libelle=libelle, annee=annee, ordre=ordre) .join(ApcCompetence) .filter_by(referentiel_id=referentiel_competence_id) ).first() if niveau is not None: return niveau.id return None def formation_import_xml(doc: str, import_tags=True, use_local_refcomp=False): """Create a formation from XML representation (format dumped by formation_export( format='xml' )) XML may contain object (UE, modules) ids: this function returns two dicts mapping these ids to the created ids. Args: doc: str, xml data import_tags: if false, does not import tags on modules. use_local_refcomp: if True, utilise les id vers les ref. de compétences. Returns: formation_id, modules_old2new, ues_old2new """ from app.scodoc import sco_edit_formation try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(doc) except Exception as exc: log("formation_import_xml: invalid XML data") raise ScoValueError("Fichier XML invalide") from exc try: f = dom.getElementsByTagName("formation")[0] # or dom.documentElement D = sco_xml.xml_to_dicts(f) except Exception as exc: raise ScoFormatError( """Ce document xml ne correspond pas à un programme exporté par ScoDoc. (élément 'formation' inexistant par exemple).""" ) from exc assert D[0] == "formation" f_dict = D[1] f_dict["dept_id"] = g.scodoc_dept_id # Pour les clonages, on prend le refcomp_id donné: referentiel_competence_id = ( f_dict.get("referentiel_competence_id") if use_local_refcomp else None ) # Sinon, on cherche a retrouver le ref. comp. if referentiel_competence_id is None: referentiel_competence_id = _formation_retreive_refcomp(f_dict) f_dict["referentiel_competence_id"] = referentiel_competence_id # find new version number formations = sco_formations.formation_list( args={ "acronyme": f_dict["acronyme"], "titre": f_dict["titre"], "dept_id": f_dict["dept_id"], } ) if formations: version = max(f["version"] or 0 for f in formations) else: version = 0 f_dict["version"] = version + 1 # create formation formation_id = sco_edit_formation.do_formation_create(f_dict) log(f"formation {formation_id} created") ues_old2new = {} # xml ue_id : new ue_id modules_old2new = {} # xml module_id : new module_id # (nb: mecanisme utilise pour cloner semestres seulement, pas pour I/O XML) ue_reference_to_id = {} # pour les coefs APC (map reference -> ue_id) modules_a_coefficienter = [] # Liste des modules avec coefs APC with sco_cache.DeferredSemCacheManager(): # -- create UEs for ue_info in D[2]: assert ue_info[0] == "ue" ue_info[1]["formation_id"] = formation_id if "ue_id" in ue_info[1]: xml_ue_id = int(ue_info[1]["ue_id"]) del ue_info[1]["ue_id"] else: xml_ue_id = None if referentiel_competence_id is None: if "niveau_competence_id" in ue_info[1]: del ue_info[1]["niveau_competence_id"] else: ue_info[1]["niveau_competence_id"] = _formation_retreive_apc_niveau( referentiel_competence_id, ue_info[1] ) ue_id = sco_edit_ue.do_ue_create(ue_info[1]) ue: UniteEns = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id) assert ue if xml_ue_id: ues_old2new[xml_ue_id] = ue_id # élément optionnel présent dans les exports BUT: ue_reference = ue_info[1].get("reference") if ue_reference: ue_reference_to_id[int(ue_reference)] = ue_id # -- create matieres for mat_info in ue_info[2]: if mat_info[0] == "parcour": # Parcours (BUT) code_parcours = mat_info[1]["code"] parcour = ApcParcours.query.filter_by( code=code_parcours, referentiel_id=referentiel_competence_id, ).first() if parcour: ue.parcour = parcour db.session.add(ue) else: log(f"Warning: parcours {code_parcours} inexistant !") continue assert mat_info[0] == "matiere" mat_info[1]["ue_id"] = ue_id mat_id = sco_edit_matiere.do_matiere_create(mat_info[1]) # -- create modules for mod_info in mat_info[2]: assert mod_info[0] == "module" if "module_id" in mod_info[1]: xml_module_id = int(mod_info[1]["module_id"]) del mod_info[1]["module_id"] else: xml_module_id = None mod_info[1]["formation_id"] = formation_id mod_info[1]["matiere_id"] = mat_id mod_info[1]["ue_id"] = ue_id if not "module_type" in mod_info[1]: mod_info[1]["module_type"] = scu.ModuleType.STANDARD mod_id = sco_edit_module.do_module_create(mod_info[1]) if xml_module_id: modules_old2new[int(xml_module_id)] = mod_id if len(mod_info) > 2: module: Module = Module.query.get(mod_id) tag_names = [] ue_coef_dict = {} for child in mod_info[2]: if child[0] == "tags" and import_tags: tag_names.append(child[1]["name"]) elif child[0] == "coefficients": ue_reference = int(child[1]["ue_reference"]) coef = float(child[1]["coef"]) ue_coef_dict[ue_reference] = coef elif child[0] == "app_critiques" and ( referentiel_competence_id is not None ): ac_code = child[1]["code"] ac = ( ApcAppCritique.query.filter_by(code=ac_code) .join(ApcNiveau) .join(ApcCompetence) .filter_by(referentiel_id=referentiel_competence_id) ).first() if ac is not None: module.app_critiques.append(ac) db.session.add(module) else: log(f"Warning: AC {ac_code} inexistant !") elif child[0] == "parcours": # Si on a un référentiel de compétences, # associe les parcours de ce module (BUT) if referentiel_competence_id is not None: code_parcours = child[1]["code"] parcour = ApcParcours.query.filter_by( code=code_parcours, referentiel_id=referentiel_competence_id, ).first() if parcour: module.parcours.append(parcour) db.session.add(module) else: log( f"Warning: parcours {code_parcours} inexistant !" ) if import_tags and tag_names: sco_tag_module.module_tag_set(mod_id, tag_names) if module.is_apc() and ue_coef_dict: modules_a_coefficienter.append((module, ue_coef_dict)) # Fixe les coefs APC (à la fin pour que les UE soient créées) for module, ue_coef_dict_ref in modules_a_coefficienter: # remap ue ids: ue_coef_dict = { ue_reference_to_id[k]: v for (k, v) in ue_coef_dict_ref.items() } module.set_ue_coef_dict(ue_coef_dict) db.session.commit() return formation_id, modules_old2new, ues_old2new def formation_list_table(formation_id=None, args={}): """List formation, grouped by titre and sorted by versions and listing associated semestres returns a table """ formations = formation_list(formation_id=formation_id, args=args) title = "Programmes pédagogiques" lockicon = scu.icontag( "lock32_img", title="Comporte des semestres verrouillés", border="0" ) suppricon = scu.icontag( "delete_small_img", border="0", alt="supprimer", title="Supprimer" ) editicon = scu.icontag( "edit_img", border="0", alt="modifier", title="Modifier titres et code" ) editable = current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoChangeFormation) # Traduit/ajoute des champs à afficher: for f in formations: try: f["parcours_name"] = sco_codes_parcours.get_parcours_from_code( f["type_parcours"] ).NAME except: f["parcours_name"] = "" f["_titre_target"] = url_for( "notes.ue_table", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, formation_id=str(f["formation_id"]), ) f["_titre_link_class"] = "stdlink" f["_titre_id"] = "titre-%s" % f["acronyme"].lower().replace(" ", "-") # Ajoute les semestres associés à chaque formation: f["sems"] = sco_formsemestre.do_formsemestre_list( args={"formation_id": f["formation_id"]} ) f["sems_list_txt"] = ", ".join([s["session_id"] for s in f["sems"]]) f["_sems_list_txt_html"] = ", ".join( [ '%(' "session_id)s " % s for s in f["sems"] ] + ( [ 'ajouter ' % (f["acronyme"].lower().replace(" ", "-"), f["formation_id"]) ] if current_user.has_permission(Permission.ScoImplement) else [] ) ) if f["sems"]: f["date_fin_dernier_sem"] = max([s["date_fin_iso"] for s in f["sems"]]) f["annee_dernier_sem"] = f["date_fin_dernier_sem"].split("-")[0] else: f["date_fin_dernier_sem"] = "" f["annee_dernier_sem"] = "" locked = formation_has_locked_sems(f["formation_id"]) # if locked: but_locked = lockicon else: but_locked = '' if editable and not locked: but_suppr = ( '%s' % ( f["formation_id"], f["acronyme"].lower().replace(" ", "-"), suppricon, ) ) else: but_suppr = '' if editable: but_edit = ( '%s' % (f["formation_id"], f["acronyme"].lower().replace(" ", "-"), editicon) ) else: but_edit = '' f["buttons"] = "" f["_buttons_html"] = but_locked + but_suppr + but_edit # Tri par annee_denier_sem, type, acronyme, titre, version décroissante formations.sort(key=itemgetter("version"), reverse=True) formations.sort(key=itemgetter("titre")) formations.sort(key=itemgetter("acronyme")) formations.sort(key=itemgetter("parcours_name")) formations.sort( key=itemgetter("annee_dernier_sem"), reverse=True ) # plus recemments utilises en tete # columns_ids = ( "buttons", "acronyme", "parcours_name", "formation_code", "version", "titre", "sems_list_txt", ) titles = { "buttons": "", "acronyme": "Acro.", "parcours_name": "Type", "titre": "Titre", "version": "Version", "formation_code": "Code", "sems_list_txt": "Semestres", } return GenTable( columns_ids=columns_ids, rows=formations, titles=titles, origin="Généré par %s le " % sco_version.SCONAME + scu.timedate_human_repr() + "", caption=title, html_caption=title, table_id="formation_list_table", html_class="formation_list_table table_leftalign", html_with_td_classes=True, html_sortable=True, base_url="%s?formation_id=%s" % (request.base_url, formation_id), page_title=title, pdf_title=title, preferences=sco_preferences.SemPreferences(), ) def formation_create_new_version(formation_id, redirect=True): "duplicate formation, with new version number" formation = Formation.query.get_or_404(formation_id) resp = formation_export(formation_id, export_ids=True, format="xml") xml_data = resp.get_data(as_text=True) new_id, modules_old2new, ues_old2new = formation_import_xml( xml_data, use_local_refcomp=True ) # news ScolarNews.add( typ=ScolarNews.NEWS_FORM, obj=new_id, text=f"Nouvelle version de la formation {formation.acronyme}", ) if redirect: flash("Nouvelle version !") return flask.redirect( url_for( "notes.ue_table", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, formation_id=new_id, msg="Nouvelle version !", ) ) else: return new_id, modules_old2new, ues_old2new