# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Creation environnement pour test. A utiliser avec debug.py (côté serveur). La classe ScoFake offre un ensemble de raccourcis permettant d'écrire facilement des tests ou de reproduire des bugs. """ import datetime from functools import wraps import random import sys import string import typing from app import db, log from app.auth.models import User from app.models import ( Departement, Evaluation, Formation, FormationModalite, Identite, Matiere, ModuleImpl, ) from app.scodoc import codes_cursus from app.scodoc import sco_edit_matiere from app.scodoc import sco_edit_module from app.scodoc import sco_edit_ue from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre_inscriptions from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre_validation from app.scodoc import sco_moduleimpl from app.scodoc import sco_saisie_notes from app.scodoc import sco_synchro_etuds from app.scodoc import sco_utils as scu from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError from config import Config, TestConfig random.seed(12345) # tests reproductibles NOMS_DIR = Config.SCODOC_DIR + "/tools/fakeportal/nomsprenoms" NOMS = [ x.strip() for x in open(NOMS_DIR + "/noms.txt", encoding=scu.SCO_ENCODING).readlines() ] PRENOMS_H = [ x.strip() for x in open(NOMS_DIR + "/prenoms-h.txt", encoding=scu.SCO_ENCODING).readlines() ] PRENOMS_F = [ x.strip() for x in open(NOMS_DIR + "/prenoms-f.txt", encoding=scu.SCO_ENCODING).readlines() ] PRENOMS_X = [ x.strip() for x in open(NOMS_DIR + "/prenoms-x.txt", encoding=scu.SCO_ENCODING).readlines() ] def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): return "".join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) def logging_meth(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper_logging_meth(self, *args, **kwargs): r = func(self, *args, **kwargs) # self.log("%s(%s) -> \n%s" % (func.__name__, kwargs, pprint.pformat(r))) return r return wrapper_logging_meth class ScoFake(object): """Helper for ScoDoc tests""" def __init__(self, verbose=True, dept=None): self.verbose = verbose self.default_user = User.query.filter_by(user_name="bach").first() if not self.default_user: raise ScoValueError('User test "bach" not found !') self.dept = ( dept or Departement.query.filter_by(acronym=TestConfig.DEPT_TEST).first() ) assert self.dept def log(self, msg): if self.verbose: print("ScoFake: " + str(msg), file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() log("ScoFake: " + str(msg)) def civilitenomprenom(self): """un nom et un prenom au hasard, toujours en majuscules. """ civilite = random.choice(("M", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F", "X")) if civilite == "F": prenom = random.choice(PRENOMS_F) elif civilite == "M": prenom = random.choice(PRENOMS_H) elif civilite == "X": prenom = random.choice(PRENOMS_X) else: raise ValueError("invalid civilite value") return civilite, random.choice(NOMS).upper(), prenom.upper() @logging_meth def create_etud( self, cnx=None, code_nip=None, nom="", prenom="", code_ine=None, civilite="", etape="TST1", email="test@localhost", emailperso="perso@localhost", date_naissance="01/01/2001", lieu_naissance="Paris", dept_naissance="75", domicile="1, rue du test", codepostaldomicile="75123", villedomicile="TestCity", paysdomicile="France", telephone="0102030405", typeadresse="domicile", boursier=None, description="etudiant test", ) -> dict: """Crée un étudiant""" if code_nip == "": code_nip = str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) if not civilite or not nom or not prenom: r_civilite, r_nom, r_prenom = self.civilitenomprenom() if not civilite: civilite = r_civilite if not nom: nom = r_nom if not prenom: prenom = r_prenom dept_id = self.dept.id # pylint: disable=possibly-unused-variable inscription = "2020" # pylint: disable=possibly-unused-variable args = locals() etud = Identite.create_from_dict(args) db.session.commit() sco_synchro_etuds.do_import_etud_admission(etud, args) return etud.to_dict_scodoc7() @logging_meth def create_formation( self, acronyme="test", titre="Formation test", titre_officiel="Le titre officiel de la formation test", type_parcours: int = codes_cursus.CursusDUT.TYPE_CURSUS, formation_code=None, code_specialite=None, ) -> int: """Crée une formation""" if not acronyme: acronyme = "TEST" + str(random.randint(100000, 999999)) formation = Formation( acronyme=scu.strip_str(acronyme), titre=scu.strip_str(titre), titre_officiel=scu.strip_str(titre_officiel), type_parcours=type_parcours, formation_code=scu.strip_str(formation_code), code_specialite=scu.strip_str(code_specialite), dept_id=self.dept.id, ) db.session.add(formation) db.session.commit() return formation.id @logging_meth def create_ue( self, formation_id=None, acronyme=None, numero=0, titre="", type=None, ue_code=None, ects=None, is_external=None, code_apogee=None, coefficient=None, semestre_idx=None, ) -> int: """Crée une UE. return: ue_id """ if numero is None: numero = sco_edit_ue.next_ue_numero(formation_id, 0) oid = sco_edit_ue.do_ue_create(locals()) oids = sco_edit_ue.ue_list(args={"ue_id": oid}) if not oids: raise ScoValueError("ue not created !") return oid @logging_meth def create_matiere(self, ue_id=None, titre=None, numero=0) -> int: oid = sco_edit_matiere.do_matiere_create(locals()) oids = sco_edit_matiere.matiere_list(args={"matiere_id": oid}) if not oids: raise ScoValueError("matiere not created !") return oid @logging_meth def create_module( self, titre=None, code=None, heures_cours=None, heures_td=None, heures_tp=None, coefficient=None, matiere_id=None, semestre_id=1, numero=0, abbrev=None, ects=None, code_apogee=None, module_type=scu.ModuleType.STANDARD, ) -> int: matiere = db.session.get(Matiere, matiere_id) ue_id = matiere.ue.id formation_id = matiere.ue.formation.id oid = sco_edit_module.do_module_create(locals()) oids = sco_edit_module.module_list(args={"module_id": oid}) if not oids: raise ScoValueError(f"module not created ! (oid={oid})") return oid @logging_meth def create_formsemestre( self, formation_id=None, semestre_id=None, titre="", date_debut=None, date_fin=None, etat=None, gestion_compensation=None, bul_hide_xml=None, block_moyennes=None, block_moyenne_generale=None, gestion_semestrielle=None, bul_bgcolor=None, modalite=FormationModalite.DEFAULT_MODALITE, resp_can_edit=None, resp_can_change_ens=None, ens_can_edit_eval=None, elt_sem_apo=None, elt_annee_apo=None, etapes=None, responsables=None, # sequence of resp. ids ) -> int: if responsables is None: responsables = (self.default_user.id,) titre = titre or "sans titre" oid = sco_formsemestre.do_formsemestre_create(locals()) oids = sco_formsemestre.do_formsemestre_list( args={"formsemestre_id": oid} ) # API inconsistency if not oids: raise ScoValueError("formsemestre not created !") return oid @logging_meth def create_moduleimpl( self, module_id: int = None, formsemestre_id: int = None, responsable_id: typing.Optional[int] = None, ) -> int: if not responsable_id: responsable_id = self.default_user.id oid = sco_moduleimpl.do_moduleimpl_create(locals()) oids = sco_moduleimpl.moduleimpl_list(moduleimpl_id=oid) # API inconsistency if not oids: raise ScoValueError("moduleimpl not created !") return oid @logging_meth def inscrit_etudiant(self, formsemestre_id: int, etud: dict): sco_formsemestre_inscriptions.do_formsemestre_inscription_with_modules( formsemestre_id, etud["etudid"], etat="I", etape=etud.get("etape", None), method="test_inscrit_etudiant", ) @logging_meth def create_evaluation( self, moduleimpl_id=None, date_debut: datetime.datetime = None, date_fin: datetime.datetime = None, description=None, note_max=20, coefficient=None, visibulletin=None, publish_incomplete=None, evaluation_type=None, numero=None, ) -> dict: args = locals() del args["self"] moduleimpl: ModuleImpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id) assert moduleimpl evaluation: Evaluation = Evaluation.create(moduleimpl=moduleimpl, **args) db.session.add(evaluation) db.session.commit() eval_dict = evaluation.to_dict() eval_dict["id"] = evaluation.id return eval_dict @logging_meth def create_note( self, evaluation_id: int = None, etudid: int = None, note=None, comment: str = None, user: User = None, # User instance ): if user is None: user = self.default_user return sco_saisie_notes.notes_add( user, evaluation_id, [(etudid, note)], comment=comment, ) def setup_formation( self, nb_semestre=1, nb_ue_per_semestre=2, nb_module_per_ue=2, acronyme=None, titre=None, ): """Création d'une formation, avec UE, modules et évaluations. Formation avec `nb_semestre` comportant chacun `nb_ue_per_semestre` UE et dans chaque UE `nb_module_per_ue` modules (on a une seule matière par UE). Returns: formation_id, liste d'ue (dicts), liste de modules. """ formation_id = self.create_formation(acronyme=acronyme, titre=titre) ue_ids = [] mod_ids = [] for semestre_id in range(1, nb_semestre + 1): for n in range(1, nb_ue_per_semestre + 1): ue_id = self.create_ue( formation_id=formation_id, acronyme="TSU%s%s" % (semestre_id, n), titre="ue test %s%s" % (semestre_id, n), ) ue_ids.append(ue_id) matiere_id = self.create_matiere(ue_id=ue_id, titre="matière test") for _ in range(nb_module_per_ue): mod = self.create_module( matiere_id=matiere_id, semestre_id=semestre_id, code="TSM%s" % len(mod_ids), coefficient=1.0, titre="module test", ) mod_ids.append(mod) return formation_id, ue_ids, mod_ids def setup_formsemestre( self, f, mod_list, semestre_id=1, date_debut="01/01/2020", date_fin="30/06/2020", nb_evaluations_per_module=1, titre=None, responsables=None, # list of users ids modalite=None, ): """Création semestre, avec modules et évaluations.""" formsemestre_id = self.create_formsemestre( formation_id=f["formation_id"], semestre_id=semestre_id, date_debut=date_debut, date_fin=date_fin, titre=titre, responsables=responsables, modalite=modalite, ) eval_list = [] for mod in mod_list: if mod["semestre_id"] == semestre_id: moduleimpl_id = self.create_moduleimpl( module_id=mod["module_id"], formsemestre_id=formsemestre_id, responsable_id="bach", ) for e_idx in range(1, nb_evaluations_per_module + 1): e = self.create_evaluation( moduleimpl_id=moduleimpl_id, date_debut=datetime.datetime.strptime(date_debut, scu.DATE_FMT), description="evaluation test %s" % e_idx, coefficient=1.0, ) eval_list.append(e) return formsemestre_id, eval_list def set_etud_notes_evals( self, eval_list: list[dict], etuds: list[dict], notes=None ): """Met des notes aux étudiants indiqués des evals indiquées. Args: notes: liste des notes (float). Si non spécifié, utilise la liste NOTES_T """ from tests.unit.setup import NOTES_T if notes is None: notes = NOTES_T for e in eval_list: for idx, etud in enumerate(etuds): self.create_note( evaluation_id=e["evaluation_id"], etudid=etud["etudid"], note=notes[idx % len(notes)], ) def set_code_jury( self, formsemestre_id, etud, code_etat=codes_cursus.ADM, devenir=codes_cursus.NEXT, assidu=True, ): """Affecte décision de jury""" sco_formsemestre_validation.formsemestre_validation_etud_manu( formsemestre_id=formsemestre_id, etudid=etud["etudid"], code_etat=code_etat, devenir=devenir, assidu=assidu, )